Deploying a Three-Tier Architecture in Azure Using Azure CLI
In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk through the process of creating a three-tier architecture in Azure using Azure CLI commands in PowerShell. This architecture separates the application into web, application, and database tiers, providing better scalability, security, and maintenance capabilities.
Azure CLI installed
PowerShell environment
An active Azure subscription
Basic understanding of networking concepts
Architecture Overview
Our three-tier architecture consists of:
Web Tier (Public-facing)
Application Tier (Middle layer)
Database Tier (Backend)
Each tier is isolated in its own subnet within a virtual network, following security best practices.
Step-by-Step Implementation
1. Setting Up Variables
First, we'll define our PowerShell variables:
$resourceGroupName = "Siddhant-ThreeTierArchitecture-rg"
$location = "westus"
$vnetName = "Siddhant-ISMT-Vnet"
$webSubnetName = "Siddhant-ISMT-webSubnet"
$appSubnetName = "Siddhant-ISMT-appSubnet"
$dbSubnetName = "Siddhant-ISMT-dbSubnet"
$publicIPName = "Siddhant-ISMT-PublicIP"
2. Creating the Resource Group
Create a new resource group to contain all our resources:
az group create --name $resourceGroupName --location $location
3. Setting Up the Network Infrastructure
Create the virtual network with three subnets:
# Create VNet with web subnet
az network vnet create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --location $location --name $vnetName --address-prefixes --subnet-name $webSubnetName --subnet-prefixes
# Create application subnet
az network vnet subnet create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --vnet-name $vnetName --name $appSubnetName --address-prefix
# Create database subnet
az network vnet subnet create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --vnet-name $vnetName --name $dbSubnetName --address-prefix
4. Creating Public IP Address
Set up a static public IP for the load balancer:
az network public-ip create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $publicIPName --sku Standard --allocation-method Static
5. Setting Up Load Balancer
Create a load balancer to distribute traffic:
az network lb create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name webLoadBalancer --sku Standard --public-ip-address $publicIPName --frontend-ip-name webFrontEnd --backend-pool-name webBackEndPool
6. Configuring Network Security
Create and configure Network Security Group (NSG):
# Create NSG
az network nsg create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name webNSG
# Add rule to allow HTTP traffic
az network nsg rule create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --nsg-name webNSG --name allowHTTP --protocol tcp --direction inbound --source-address-prefix '*' --source-port-range '*' --destination-port-range 80 --access allow --priority 100
# Add rule to allow SSH
az network nsg rule create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --nsg-name webNSG --name allowssh --protocol tcp --direction inbound --source-address-prefix '*' --source-port-range '*' --destination-port-range 22 --access allow --priority 101
7. Deploying Virtual Machines
Create VMs for web and application tiers:
# Create Web VM
az vm create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name webVM1 --image Ubuntu2204 --vnet-name $vnetName --subnet $webSubnetName --nsg webNSG --size Standard_B1s --admin-username azureuser --generate-ssh-keys
# Create Application VM
az vm create --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name appVM1 --image Ubuntu2204 --vnet-name $vnetName --subnet $appSubnetName --nsg webNSG --size Standard_B1s --admin-username azureuser --generate-ssh-keys
8. Configuring Load Balancer Backend Pool
Add VMs to the load balancer backend pool:
# Add Web VM to backend pool
az network lb address-pool address add --resource-group $resourceGroupName --lb-name webLoadBalancer --pool-name webBackEndPool -n webVM1 --vnet $vnetName --ip-address
# Add App VM to backend pool
az network lb address-pool address add --resource-group $resourceGroupName --lb-name webLoadBalancer --pool-name webBackEndPool -n appVM1 --vnet $vnetName --ip-address
Architecture Deep Dive
Network Design
VNet Address Space:
Web Tier Subnet:
Application Tier Subnet:
Database Tier Subnet:
Security Implementation
Network Segmentation
Each tier is isolated in its own subnet
Traffic flow is controlled between tiers
Public access is limited to the web tier only
NSG Configuration
Inbound HTTP (port 80) allowed to web tier
Inter-subnet communication controlled
Database tier protected from direct external access
Load Balancer Security
Standard SKU for enhanced security
Static IP allocation
Backend pool health monitoring
Benefits of This Architecture
High Availability
Load balanced web tier
Multiple VMs for redundancy
Ability to scale each tier independently
Layered security approach
Network segregation
Controlled communication paths
Independent tier management
Easy to update components
Simplified troubleshooting
Horizontal scaling capabilities
Independent tier scaling
Load balancer distribution
Best Practices and Recommendations
Enable Azure Monitor
Set up alerts for resource metrics
Configure diagnostic logging
Backup Strategy
Regular VM backups
Database backup and replication
Configuration backup
Security Enhancements
Implement Azure Bastion for secure VM access
Use Azure Key Vault for secrets
Regular security patches and updates
Cost Optimization
Right-size VMs based on usage
Use auto-scaling where appropriate
Monitor and optimize resource usage
Maintenance Guidelines
Regular Updates
Schedule monthly maintenance windows
Apply security patches promptly
Update NSG rules as needed
Monitoring and Alerts
Set up CPU and memory thresholds
Monitor network traffic patterns
Configure availability alerts
Disaster Recovery
Document recovery procedures
Regular backup testing
Failover scenario planning
This three-tier architecture implementation provides a robust foundation for enterprise applications in Azure. The PowerShell commands make it easy to automate the deployment process, while the security measures and best practices ensure a reliable and maintainable solution.
Remember to:
Regularly review and update security configurations
Monitor resource usage and performance
Keep documentation updated
Test disaster recovery procedures
Optimize based on actual usage patterns
This architecture can be further customized based on specific requirements while maintaining the core principles of separation of concerns and security.
[Previous sections remain same until Load Balancer Backend Pool configuration]
Website Deployment on Virtual Machine
9. SSH into the Web VM
After setting up the infrastructure, we need to SSH into the web VM to deploy our website. First, get the public IP of the web VM:
# Get the public IP of the web VM
$webVMIP = az vm show -d -g $resourceGroupName -n webVM1 --query publicIps -o tsv
# SSH into the web VM
ssh azureuser@$webVMIP
10. Create and Execute Deployment Script on VM
Once you're connected to the VM via SSH, create and execute the deployment script:
# Create deployment script
sudo nano /home/azureuser/
Copy and paste the following content into the script:
# Ensure the script is run with root privileges
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1
# Step 1: Update the operating system packages
apt update -y
# Step 2: Install Nginx
apt install nginx -y
# Step 3: Navigate to /var/www and create a folder named
cd /var/www
# Step 4: Clone the GitHub repository into the directory
# Ensure git is installed or handle its absence
if ! command -v git &> /dev/null
echo "git could not be found, installing now..."
apt install git -y
git clone .
# Step 5: Configure Nginx to serve your site
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/
# Create Nginx configuration file
sudo tee <<EOF
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
root /var/www/;
index index.html;
location / {
try_files \$uri \$uri/ =404;
# Create a symlink to enable the site
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
# Optional: Remove the default Nginx site configuration to avoid conflicts
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
# Step 7: Test Nginx configuration for syntax errors
nginx -t
# Step 8: Restart Nginx to apply the changes
systemctl restart nginx
# Display a success message
echo "Nginx has been configured to serve your site and restarted successfully!"
Save the file (in nano: Ctrl+X, then Y, then Enter)
Now make the script executable and run it:
# Make script executable
sudo chmod +x /home/azureuser/
# Run the script
sudo bash /home/azureuser/
11. Verify Website Deployment
Once the script has finished running, you can verify the website is accessible through the load balancer:
# Exit from the VM SSH session
# Get the load balancer's public IP
$lbIP = az network public-ip show --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $publicIPName --query ipAddress -o tsv
Write-Host "Website is accessible at: http://$lbIP"
12. Clean Up Resources
When you're done with the infrastructure, clean up all resources:
# Delete the entire resource group and all resources within it
Write-Host "Cleaning up all resources..."
az group delete --name $resourceGroupName --yes --no-wait
Write-Host "Resource deletion has been initiated. This process may take several minutes to complete."
Verification Steps
Website Deployment Verification:
Verify Nginx is running:
sudo systemctl status nginx
Check website files:
ls -la /var/www/
Test Nginx configuration:
sudo nginx -t
View error logs if needed:
sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
Load Balancer Verification:
Check if website is accessible through load balancer IP
Verify HTTP port 80 is open and responding
Check load balancer health probe status
Resource Cleanup Verification:
Monitor resource group deletion progress in Azure portal
Verify all resources are removed
Check for any lingering resources or dependencies
Troubleshooting Common Issues
SSH Connection Issues:
# Verify VM is running az vm show -d -g $resourceGroupName -n webVM1 --query powerState # Verify NSG rules az network nsg rule list --resource-group $resourceGroupName --nsg-name webNSG -o table
Website Deployment Issues:
# Check Nginx status sudo systemctl status nginx # View Nginx error logs sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log # Check website directory permissions ls -la /var/www/
Load Balancer Issues:
# Check load balancer health az network lb probe list --resource-group $resourceGroupName --lb-name webLoadBalancer -o table # Verify backend pool configuration az network lb address-pool list --resource-group $resourceGroupName --lb-name webLoadBalancer -o table
Best Practices for Production
Use SSH key-based authentication
Implement proper firewall rules
Regular security updates
Use HTTPS with SSL/TLS certificates
Set up Azure Monitor
Configure alerts
Monitor resource usage
Keep logs for troubleshooting
Regular backups
Scheduled updates
Performance optimization
Documentation updates
Remember to always verify the website is working correctly before cleaning up the resources, and ensure all necessary data is backed up before deletion.