Bash Scripting Projects: From Beginner to Advanced

Bash Scripting Projects: From Beginner to Advanced

Bash scripting is a powerful way to automate tasks and manage systems efficiently. Below are bash scripts for various projects, each with basic functionality and comments for better understanding. Whether you're a beginner or looking for more advanced projects, this guide has something for everyone.

Beginner Projects

1. Simple Calculator

This script performs basic arithmetic operations.


echo "Simple Calculator"
echo "Enter first number: "
read a
echo "Enter second number: "
read b

echo "Choose operation: +, -, *, /"
read op

case $op in
    +) result=$(echo "$a + $b" | bc) ;;
    -) result=$(echo "$a - $b" | bc) ;;
    \*) result=$(echo "$a * $b" | bc) ;;
    /) result=$(echo "$a / $b" | bc) ;;
    *) echo "Invalid operation"; exit 1 ;;

echo "Result: $result"

2. File Organizer

This script organizes files by their extension into corresponding directories.


echo "Organizing files by extension..."

for file in *.*; do
    mkdir -p "$ext"
    mv "$file" "$ext/"

echo "Files organized."

3. System Information Display

This script displays basic system information.


echo "System Information"
echo "------------------"
echo "Hostname: $(hostname)"
echo "Uptime: $(uptime -p)"
echo "Memory Usage: "
free -h
echo "Disk Usage: "
df -h
echo "Logged in users: "

4. Backup Script

This script creates a backup of the specified directory.


echo "Starting backup..."
dest="$HOME/backup_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"
mkdir -p "$dest"
cp -r "$src" "$dest"

echo "Backup completed at $dest"

5. Random Password Generator

This script generates a random password.


echo "Generating a random password..."
password=$(openssl rand -base64 48 | cut -c1-$length)
echo "Your random password is: $password"

Intermediate Projects

1. Log File Analyzer

This script analyzes log files and shows the top 5 most common log entries.


echo "Analyzing log file: $log_file"

echo "Top 5 most common log entries:"
grep -oE '^[^ ]+' "$log_file" | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 5

2. Web Scraper

This script scrapes the title from a web page.


echo "Scraping $url"
curl -s "$url" | grep -o '<title>[^<]*' | sed 's/<title>//'

echo "Scraping completed."

3. Automated Database Backup

This script creates a backup of a MySQL database.



mkdir -p "$backup_dir"
backup_file="$backup_dir/$db_name-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).sql"

echo "Backing up database $db_name..."
mysqldump -u "$db_user" -p"$db_password" "$db_name" > "$backup_file"
echo "Backup completed: $backup_file"

4. System Monitoring Dashboard

This script provides a continuous system monitoring dashboard.


echo "System Monitoring Dashboard"
while true; do
    echo "-----------------------"
    echo "Date: $(date)"
    echo "Uptime: $(uptime -p)"
    echo "Memory Usage: "
    free -h
    echo "Disk Usage: "
    df -h | grep '^/dev/'
    echo "CPU Load: "
    top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)"
    sleep 5

5. Automated Software Installation Script

This script installs a list of software packages.


echo "Installing software packages..."
packages=(git vim curl wget)

for package in "${packages[@]}"; do
    if ! dpkg -l | grep -qw "$package"; then
        sudo apt-get install -y "$package"
        echo "$package is already installed."

echo "Software installation completed."

Advanced Projects

1. Network Port Scanner

This script scans open ports on a given IP address.


echo "Enter the IP address to scan: "
read ip
echo "Scanning ports on $ip..."
for port in {1..65535}; do
    timeout 1 bash -c "echo '' > /dev/tcp/$ip/$port" 2>/dev/null && echo "Port $port is open"
echo "Scan completed."

2. Distributed Backup System

This script performs a distributed backup to multiple servers.


dest_servers=("server1:/backup" "server2:/backup")

for server in "${dest_servers[@]}"; do
    echo "Backing up to $server..."
    rsync -avz "$src" "$server"

echo "Distributed backup completed."

3. Custom Shell with Advanced Features

This script creates a custom shell with basic command execution.


echo "Welcome to My Custom Shell!"
while true; do
    echo -n "my-shell> "
    read cmd
    case "$cmd" in
        exit) break ;;
        *) eval "$cmd" ;;
echo "Goodbye!"

4. Automated Server Provisioning Tool

This script automates server provisioning.


server_list=("server1" "server2")
echo "Provisioning servers..."

for server in "${server_list[@]}"; do
    echo "Provisioning $server..."
    ssh root@"$server" <<EOF
    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade -y
    apt-get install -y nginx
    systemctl start nginx
    systemctl enable nginx

echo "Server provisioning completed."

5. Intrusion Detection System

This script monitors the system log for intrusion attempts.


echo "Monitoring $log_file for intrusion attempts..."

tail -F "$log_file" | while read line; do
    if echo "$line" | grep -q "Failed password"; then
        echo "Intrusion attempt detected: $line"

These scripts provide a foundation for each project and can be expanded with additional functionality as needed.

Feel free to use and expand on these scripts for your projects. Happy scripting!